UMS Inaugurates Four Newly-Constructed Buildings

Along with the Muhammadiyah Central Board, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) inaugurated four newly-constructed buildings and held a sermon of Ramadan 1444 H at the Mohammad Djazman Auditorium, Sunday (16/04). The inauguration of the four buildings was conducted with a ribbon cutting ceremony in each building centralized on Campus 1, UMS. UMS Rector, Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si. mentioned that the four buildings were the Student Club & Activity Center (Griya Mahasiswa), the Integrated Laboratory of the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI), the Competency Assessment Building of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK), and the Microteaching Laboratory of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). “The first building is the Griya Mahasiswa Building which will be the center of student activities,” said Prof. Anif.

According to him, the centralization of the Student Clubs and Activity Units (UKM) center aimed to manage it more efficiently and effectively as well as to strengthen all student activities. Because previously, the UKM secretariats spread out in various sections. Griya Mahasiswa, which is the new building for the secretariats and offices of UKM members, is expected to improve student achievement. “Of course we hope that later it can contribute to UMS in various achievements,” he explained.

In addition, Prof. Anif also hoped that these four buildings can improve the quality of learning in general in order to provide various skills and competence to UMS students. On the other hand, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Board for Tarjih and Tajdid, Prof. Dr. H. Syamsul Anwar, M.A. who also visited the new buildings, cut the ribbon as a symbol of its inauguration. “Hopefully, it will be a blessing. Students will remain highly interested (in their activities) and the implementation of education will also improve,” said Syamsul Anwar.

UMS inaugurated four buildings with a total area of 6,600 m² and will continuously support various student activities.

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