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UMS Received 19 Excellent Accreditations from BAN PT

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The Rector of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, conveyed a commitment to the development of quality, bona fide higher education institutions, and gaining national and international trust.

“As the head of UMS, from the beginning, we have been committed to building a credible university and gaining widespread trust both on the national and international levels. In 2029, God willing, the achievements of UMS can become a university with a big influence in the field of science and technology,” said Sofyan Anif.

The Rector revealed that now UMS has 19 Study Programs accredited Excellent, and previously it was an Accredited Study Program A which is in the process of being converted to excellence. “It’s not easy to get that much Excellent predicate, it takes hard work on all fronts.”

Study Programs that have been accredited as Excellent by BAN-PT are 1. S1 Indonesian Language and Literature Education; 2. S1 English Education; 3. S1 Geography; S1 Management; and 4. S1 Communication Studies. Then, 5. S1 Pancasila and Citizenship Education; 6. S1 Geography Education; 7. S1 Civil Engineering; 8. S1 Electrical Engineering; 9. S1 Elementary School Teacher Education; 10. S1 Early Childhood Education Teacher Education; 11. S1 Architecture; 12. S1 Nursing, and 13.S2 Islamic Religious Education. Also noted, 14. S2 Basic Education; 15. Master of Indonesian Language Education; 16. S2 Sharia Economic Law; 17. Master’s Degree in Education Administration, 18. Master’s Degree in Management and 19. Nursing Profession

With the Excellent capital from many study programs, Dr. Sofyan Anif continued, his party is optimistic that in the future UMS will become a part of changing various fields of science, technology, and art. The Muhammadiyah university he leads can progress with the progressive transformation of  Human Resources acceleration in the field of outcome base and international reputation according to the Vision and Mission of UMS 2029.

“UMS is a center for Islamic science and technology education and development and provides direction for changes that have started since 2020.” In addition, continued the Rector, UMS entered the 3rd best Islamic university in the world according to the October 2021 edition of the UniRank 4ICU. UMS’s position is only below Cairo University (1) and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (2).

One of the keys to the success of a university is the existence of a UMS Quality Assurance Institution (LJM) which has carried out the PPEPP internal quality assurance cycle (Standard Setting, Standard Implementing Control, and Standard Improvement) continuously and continuously to ensure the implementation of UMS is following predetermined standards.

“Evaluation for improvement through Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activities, monitoring, and evaluation as well as soliciting feedback from various stakeholders, one of which is customer satisfaction surveys.”